Diapers & Children
If your local (Lincoln, NE) nonprofit or government organization would like to be promoted, feel free to contact Everett Neighborhood Association to talk about it.
Diapers & Children
Diapers & Children

- Forward
- What is Forward & Forward+?
The Trinity House 733 S.13th Street, Lincoln, NE 402-474-0606
Forward is a ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church that seeks to help families in our community by supplementing consumable goods for their children. Families receive a monthly supplement of diapers and wipes for each child using diapers and/or pull-ups.
Forward is open every Monday except holidays from 10AM-2PM
Forward+ is a space where families can select new and gently used clothing of all sizes, households goods, toys, and books for their families. We are accepting donations of new and gently used items for Forward+