If your local (Lincoln, NE) nonprofit or government organization would like to be promoted, feel free to contact Everett Neighborhood Association to talk about it.
- WHAT IS CenterPointe?
Crisis Line 402-475-6695
2202 S. 11th St., Lincoln, NE 68502 - 402-475-8717
We offer a broad continuum of care – more than 35 programs in the areas of crisis response, treatment, rehabilitation, housing, and peer support. There is no wrong door to walk through to start your journey of recovery with CenterPointe.
Primary care, adolescent and family, and expanded crisis services are now available.
People's City Mission
- WHAT IS People's City Mission?
Urgent Help Line 402-475-1303
110 Q Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 - 402-475-1303
People's City Mission is Lincoln's primary homeless shelter housing 350 men, women, and children on an average day. PCM provides emergency and transitional housing to both men and families (including single mothers).